National Technology Week 2023-Pragati Maidan

National Technology Week 2023 in Delhi. It was a 4-day long event. The National Technology Week celebration was inaugurated by the Prime Minister at Pragati Maidan on 11th May 2023. Participants/ exhibitors from 12 Ministries of Government of India showcased wide range of scientific innovations. It showcased cutting-edge technologies, innovative solutions that have the potential to transform various sectors and improve the quality of life of people.

We Displayed our technologies such as DocumentOCR, Audiobook in the Digital India Bhashini Mission booth. we had the privilege of presenting our innovative technologies through a poster presentation and live demonstrations. Through our poster presentation and interactive demos, we were able to effectively communicate the capabilities and potential impact of these solutions, We were thrilled by the positive response and the interest generated among the attendees, participants, and fellow exhibitors.

The opportunity to engage with industry professionals, experts, and fellow innovators allowed us to exchange valuable insights and feedback. We are grateful for the constructive discussions and networking opportunities

Bhashini aims to build a National Public Digital Platform for languages to develop services and products for citizens by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. ( )