For training the model, use only training set do not use validation and test sets.
The organizers request the team to upload the final/updated trained model, inference code, ReadMe file, and algorithm details on the competition website on or before 10th April. If there is a mismatch between the results uploaded, the trained model submitted and the results obtained by the inference code by the team, then the team will not be allowed to continue the competition. In such a case, the team results will not be displayed on the leaderboard.
Submission of Brief Description of Algorithm
- Write a maximum of one page description of your proposed method to solve Indic Handwritten Text Recognition tasks and name the file as description.doc/description.pdf/description.txt/description.latex
Submission of Results
- The output of the test set should be saved as “script name_result.txt (e.g., bengali_result.txt for Bengali language) which contains the name of test word images and their corresponding predictions separated by a whitespace
- For multiple langauages, create a folder containing all “scrpit name_result.txt” files corresponding to the languages to be considered, create a zip file and upload it.
Submission of Trained Model
- Create a zip file of the trained model and upload
Submission of Inference Code
- Inference code, requirement.txt with software packages required to run the code, ReadMe file with instructions for running the code. Make a zip file and upload it.