Contact Information

If you are interested in participating, please register here: Click Here

Competition Rules

The competition invites participation from individuals in both industry and academia, encompassing both students and professionals interested in making meaningful contributions to the field. The following outlines the provisional rules for our competition.

  • Each participant team can include up to a maximum of 10 people from one or more affiliations. For the sake of fairness to smaller research groups, we will not allow bigger teams to participate as a single team.
  • Any team or individual can create an id using mail-id to participate in the competition. The creation of multiple ids of the same team or individual is strictly prohibited.
  • There is no restriction on the number of teams from an institute/organization. However, there should not be common individuals in the teams from the same institute/organization.
  • One person can only participate on one team. Mentors included. No exceptions.
  • Any registered team downloads the training set to develop models for any specific/all tasks and evaluates the test set. The team uploads the obtained results (in a particular format) to the challenge website.
  • Participants are free to utilize additional training datasets for all defined tasks. However, they are required to furnish details regarding the additional training datasets they choose to use.
  • The organization team will verify the format of the results. The leaderboard automatically calculates metrics and displays the method,team name/ID, and scores in order.
  • The team member can upload the results only once.
  • To verify the results uploaded by the team, the organizer requests the team members to upload a description of their proposed technique(s) with references (if applicable), the final trained model, and the inference code on the competition website. If there is a mismatch between the results uploaded by the team and those obtained by the reference code submitted by the group, the team will not be allowed to continue the competition. In such a case, the leaderboard will not display the results of this particular team.
  • Winner and Runner up teams will have certificates listing the names of their members in the exact format and order as they were registered.